Satoma Asadgamaya

In Memory

Migrated Datasets


Sunday, October 10, 2004

Revenge of the Lazy Lazy Dog

There is this oaf of a chap,
Whose big mouth is full of crap.
All he does is fib around.
Somebody ought to give him a slap.

With furry dogs, he picked up a row.
"Bow wow wow! Bow wow wow!"

How would I feel?
When he even grudges me my meal,
While he merrily chomps away
On fish, ham and veal.

With furry dogs, he picked up a row.
"Bow wow wow! Bow wow wow!"

Such a master, may no dog beget.
He is so mean to his lovable pet.
When I fell ill once
He wouldn\'t take me to the vet.

With furry dogs, he picked up a row.
"Bow wow wow! Bow wow wow!"

Anybody who calls me 'lazy lazy'
Must be doggone 'crazy crazy'.
All day I guard his house
And at night, when it's dark and hazy.

With furry dogs, he picked up a row.
"Bow wow wow! Bow wow wow!"

Though, in his service, I grow old
And though, from thieves, I saved his gold,
He is such a heartless wretch
That he still turns me out in the cold.

With furry dogs, he picked up a row.
"Bow wow wow! Bow wow wow!"

He's never let me play with my friends.
When they come by, he always pretends
As if I'm gorging or sleeping.
Them, on their way, he sends.

With furry dogs, he picked up a row.
"Bow wow wow! Bow wow wow!"

Instead of patting me on the head,
Or offering me some bread,
He'd pull my furry tail
Or kick me out of my dogshed.

With furry dogs, he picked up a row.
"Bow wow wow! Bow wow wow!"

He's a liar to the core.
All that I do is 'dream and snore'?
I'll bite him black and blue.
But I won't take this any more.

With furry dogs, he picked up a row.
"Bow wow wow! Bow wow wow!"

Management Class : Idylls of the Wannabe

mental baba 10:44 AM | pathar ka lakeer | 0 baba ka katora |